
Listed below are all current & past events we have delivered

Visit our Gallery page to see images from these events & more

Dover Activity Parks FREE Coaching Sessions – Pencester Skate Park – May to September 2024

We are pleased to announce that we will again be delivering free coaching to the community on the following dates in 2024

12/5, 19/5, 26/5, 2/6, 9/6, 14/7, 28/7, 4/8, 11/8, 18/8, 1/9 & 8/9.

There will be 2 x 1 hour sessions on each day for a maximum of 16 participants per session.

To book visit us on Eventbrite

Dover Activity Parks FREE Coaching Sessions – Pencester Skate Park – March to September 2023

Brought to you through the generous support of


DDC Community Coaching Sessions April 2023





All fully booked

Generously Funded by

Dover Skate Fest – Pencester Skate Park – 1st October 2022