
Latest News

June 2024

We have added additional ways you can support us to find out more visit our Partners & Supporters page

We will be working with Dover Town Council on their town consultation w/c 3/6. This will take place in St James Retail Park on 4th & 5th and The Art Club in Market Square on 6th & 7th; all will be between 10am & 4pm.

Please pop in and give your views not just on activity provision in the town but anything else you feel the town needs.

May 2024

Sadly, there has been a spate of vandalism in the Pencester skate park including significant damage to the 4 foot kicker, this has been reported to the authorities and we are waiting feedback from the council on a repair date.

We have also noticed some evidence of damage to the tarmac most likely caused by BMX pegs, this has also been reported. We ask that all users take care when using the park.

April 2024

We are pleased to announce that we will again be delivering FREE coaching sessions this year, a total of 24 sessions across 12 dates. Visit our events page for the dates and Eventbrite to book.

We continue to work with DDC to deliver a new skate facility, the latest step is a digital consultation that can be accessed HERE – please do fill it in asap

Earlier News

Sept 2023

Discussions have been ongoing with DDC

We delivered a music event on Dover seafront in association with Extreme Tour

July 2023

We arranged to meet Dover District Council in August to present our proposals for an Activity Park in Connaught Park

We announced that we are able to offer 6 additional coaching sessions at Pencester Skatepark, unfortunately we will need to charge a small fee of £5 per participant in order to cover our costs.

May 2023

Following the recent local elections we are looking forward to the opportunity to work with the new Labour administration & await dates from them to discuss our proposals

We have now completed the District Coaching sessions commissioned by Dover District Council. We filled all 224 2 hour slots very quickly & got fantastic feedback.

March 2023

We have been commissioned by Dover District Council to deliver FREE Coaching Sessions in Aylesham, Deal, Sandwich & Dover during April 2023

These are now fully booked having been snapped up in less than 3 days – a big thank you to your continued support

February 2023

Our recently advertised FREE Coaching Sessions in Pencester are now fully booked, having been snapped up in less than 24 hours – Thank you

Watch this space for more sessions as we organise them working with our various partners

January 2023

We are really pleased to announce that in addition to our successful DDC Community Grant bid, Dover Town Council & Dover Big Local have also agreed to support delivery of FREE coaching sessions in Pencester Skate Park from March to September


Our discussions with Dover District Council regarding the construction of a new skate park and possibly more are ongoing & proving fruitfull albeit no decisions have yet been reached

We were successful with our recent application to the Dover District Council Community Grant scheme & this will allow us to offer free community skate board coaching sessions in 2023

We are discussing with Dover District Council how we can become involved in their ASPIRE Project, which will allow us to reach out & deliver training to unemployed young people

We have had meetings with Maverick Skateparks, Betongpark UK & Wheelscape to ascertain their interest in working with us going forward to develop a new skate park & more, the latter 2 have helped with some ideas, drawings etc. which will assist us in our discussions with Dover District Council

In October we delivered a set of free training sessions for the local community & Dover Skate Fest (in conjunction with Dover District Council) – pictures can be seen on our Events page

We continued our discussions with The Land Trust regarding working with them to develop mountain biking in Coombe Hole Woods

Sadly in September we were advised that the organisation we were working with on the design of our Activity Park went into liquidation.  We are now working hard with our contacts to find an alternative to help us realise our plans.

We have signed up for Dover District Lotto, join in and support us by purchasing your weekly tickets at and get yourself the chance to win the jackpot of £25,000 whilst helping us deliver a purpose built activity park.

Following  alot of discussions with the team from Dover Skate Project we agreed to set up a Community Interest Company to progress our plans for a new Skate Venue and more.