Safeguarding Policies

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It is recognised that Dover Activity Parks CIC is not likely to be working directly with children, but rather through specific third party projects or independent qualified coaches.  However, in line with the ethics of the organisation to promote good practice, it is felt important to adopt a Child Protection Policy to cover those situations where a member of staff may be alone with a child or a child may confide in them regarding a situation where the child needs help and guidance.

The purpose of this policy is to outline the duty and responsibility of directors, staff and volunteers working with and on behalf of Dover Activity Parks CIC.

  • That we must work together with other agencies to safeguard and promote the welfare of children
  • To explain the responsibilities Dover Activity Parks CIC has in respect of safeguarding children
  • To provide directors, staff and volunteers with an overview of safeguarding children and appropriate training
  • To provide a clear procedure that will be implemented when safeguarding issues arise.


For the purpose of this document a child is defined as a person under the age of 18 (The Children Act 1989)

All children deserve the opportunity to achieve their full potential. This is set out in the five outcomes that are key to children and young people:

  • Stay safe
  • Be healthy
  • Enjoy and achieve
  • Make a positive contribution
  • Achieve economic wellbeing

All children have the right to protection from all forms of abuse including exploitation, neglect, physical and mental abuse regardless of their age, gender, disability, culture, language, racial origin, religious beliefs or sexual orientation.


This guidance reflects the principles contained within the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) ratified by the United Kingdom in 1991 and the Human Rights Act 1998.

The Children Act 1989 sets out the legislative framework for safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and the Children Act 2004 underpins the Every Child Matters, Change for Children programme.


All directors, staff and volunteers working with and on behalf of Dover Activity Parks CIC have a duty to promote the welfare and safety of children and to be alert to potential indicators of abuse and neglect.

Directors, staff and volunteers may receive disclosures of child abuse and observe children who are at risk. This policy will enable personnel to make informed and confident responses to specific child protection issues.


Abuse and neglect are forms of maltreatment of a child. Somebody may abuse or neglect a child by inflicting harm, or by failing to prevent harm. Children may be abused in a family or in an institutional or community setting, by those known to them or, more rarely, by a stranger. They may be abused by an adult or adults, or another child or children (Working Together to Safeguard Children 2010)

The ‘Working Together to Safeguard Children 2010’ guidance published by the Government defines four categories of abuse as follows.

Physical Abuse

This may involve hitting, shaking, throwing, poisoning, burning or scalding, drowning, suffocating, or otherwise causing physical harm to a child. Physical harm may also be caused when a parent or carer fabricates the symptoms of, or deliberately induces illness in a child.

Emotional Abuse

This is the persistent emotional maltreatment of a child such as to cause severe and persistent adverse effects on the child’s emotional development. It may involve conveying to a child that they are worthless, unloved, inadequate, or valued only insofar as they meet the needs of another person.  It may feature age or developmentally inappropriate expectations being imposed on children. These may include interactions that are beyond the child’s developmental capability, as well as overprotection and limitation of exploration and learning, or preventing the child participating in normal social interaction. It may involve seeing or hearing the ill-treatment of another. It may involve serious bullying, causing children to feel frightened or in danger, or the exploitation or corruption of children. Some level of emotional abuse is involved in all types of maltreatment of a child, though it may occur alone.

Sexual Abuse

This type of abuse involves forcing or enticing a child to take part in sexual activities, including prostitution whether or not the child is aware of what is happening. Examples of physical contact include penetrative acts (rape, buggery or oral sex) or non-penetrative acts kissing, fondling, masturbation. It may include non-contact activities involving children in looking at or be involved in sexual online images and or encouraging children to behave in sexually inappropriate ways.


This is the persistent failure to meet a child’s basic physical and or psychological needs, likely to result in the serious impairment to the child’s health and development. Neglect may occur during pregnancy as a result of maternal substance abuse. Once a child is born, neglect may involve a parent or care failing to:

  • provide adequate food, clothing and shelter (including exclusion from home or abandonment)
  • protect a child from physical and emotional harm or danger
  • ensure adequate supervision (including the use of inadequate care-givers)
  • ensure access to appropriate medical care or treatment.

It may also include neglect of, or unresponsiveness to, a child’s basic emotional needs.


It is important that children are protected from abuse. All complaints, allegations or suspicions must be taken seriously.

This procedure must be followed whenever an allegation is made that a child has been abused or when there is a suspicion that a child has been abused.

Promises of confidentiality must not be given as this may conflict with the need to ensure the safety and welfare of the child.

If the complainant is the child, questions must be kept to the minimum necessary to understand what is being alleged and leading questions must be avoided. The use of leading questions can cause problems for the subsequent investigation and any court proceedings.

A full record shall be made as soon as possible of the nature of the allegation and any other relevant information including using the ‘Initial Cause for Concern Form’ Appendix 1

This must include information in relation to the date, the time, the place where the alleged abuse happened, your name and the names of others present, the name of the complainant and, where different, the name of the child who has allegedly been abused, the nature of the alleged abuse, a description of any injuries observed, the account which has been given of the allegation


Any suspicion, allegation or incident of abuse must be reported to Ross Miller, Director of Dover Activity Parks CIC at or o7852 235 957 who will contact the relevant Safeguarding Team:

Kent Specialist Children’s Services – Central Duty Team.

Telephone: 03000 411111

Emergency Out of Hours Telephone: 03000 419191

Dover District Council Community Services Team

Telephone: Monday to Friday from 9am to 5pm on 01634 334 466


Emergency Out of Hours Telephone: 03000 419 191


  • Listen to the child.
  • Stay calm.
  • Responsibility for making enquiries and investigating allegations rests with children’s social services along with other relevant agencies.
  • Listen carefully to what is said.
  • Find an appropriate early opportunity to explain that it is likely that the information will need to be shared with others – do not promise to keep secrets.
  • Tell the child that the matter will only be disclosed to those who need to know about it.
  • If the child can understand the significance and consequences of making a referral to social services she/he must be asked his or her view. (KSCB procedures P90).
  • Regardless of the child’s view it remains the responsibility of the professional to take whatever action is required to ensure the safety of that child. (KSCB procedures P90).
  • Allow the child to continue at her/his own pace.
  • Ask questions for clarification only, and at all times avoid asking questions that suggest a particular answer.
  • Reassure the child that they have done the right thing in telling you.
  • Tell them what you will do next, and with whom the information will be shared.
  • Record in writing what was said, using the child’s own words, as soon as possible – note the date, time, any names mentioned, to whom the information was given and ensure that the record is signed and dated. Also record what the professional said.

It is important to remember that the person who first encounters a case of alleged abuse is not responsible for deciding whether abuse has occurred. That is a task for the professional child protection agencies, following a referral from the designated child protection officer.


Child protection raises issues of confidentiality which must be clearly understood by all.

  • Personnel have a professional responsibility to share relevant information about the protection of children with other professionals, particularly investigative agencies.
  • Clear boundaries of confidentiality will be communicated to all. All personal information regarding a child will be kept confidential except when it is suspected that a child under 18 years is the victim of abuse.
  • If a child confides in a member of staff and requests that the information is kept secret, it is important that the member of staff tells the child sensitively that he or she has a responsibility to refer cases of alleged abuse to the appropriate agencies for the child’s own sake. Within that context, the child must, however, be assured that the matter will be disclosed only to people who need to know about it.
  • Where possible, consent must be obtained from the child before sharing personal information with third parties. In some circumstances obtaining consent may be neither possible nor desirable as the safety and welfare of the child is the priority.
  • Where a disclosure has been made, staff must let the child know the position regarding their role and what action they will have to take as a result. (See HM Government Information Sharing: Pocket guide at and KSCB Procedures.
  • The child will be assured that they will be kept informed of any action to be taken and why. The child’s involvement in the process of sharing information must be fully considered and their wishes and feeling taken into account.

Child Protection issues are highly sensitive and personnel who receive information about children or their families in the course of their work must share that information only within appropriate professional contexts. All child protection records must be kept secure.


Personnel should not:

  • Spend excessive amounts of time alone with children away from others
  • Take children alone in a car on journeys, however short
  • Take children to their home

Should occasions arise where the above is unavoidable the full knowledge and consent of a director and/or the children’s parents should be obtained.

Personnel should not:

  • Engage in rough physical games – apart from structured sports activities
  • Engage in sexually provocative games.
  • Allow or engage in inappropriate touching in any form
  • Allow children to use inappropriate language unchallenged
  • Make sexually suggestive comments about or to a child, even in fun
  • Let allegations a child makes go unchallenged or unrecorded
  • Do anything of a personal nature for children


Written consent to take and use images of children must be obtained prior to the taking of photographs and or video footage. Parents/carers must be made aware of when, where and how the images may be used to give their informed consent.


Dover Activity Parsk CIC (‘the company’) is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of vulnerable adults engaged in the breadth of its activities.  Staff, volunteers and directors may receive disclosures of abuse and observe vulnerable adults who are at risk.  This policy will enable the company to make informed and confident responses to specific adult protection issues.


The purpose of this policy is to outline the duty and responsibility of the company in relation to the protection of vulnerable adults from abuse.

All adults have the right to be safe from harm and should be able to live free from fear of abuse, neglect and exploitation.

“Abuse is a violation of an individual’s human and civil rights by any other person or person’s”

(Kent and Medway Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults, 2010)

The key objectives of this policy are:

  • To explain the responsibilities the company has in respect of vulnerable adult protection;
  • To provide all with an overview of vulnerable adult protection;
  • To provide a clear procedure that will be implemented where vulnerable adult protection issues arise.


The following principles guide Dover Activity Parks CIC in safeguarding adults.

  1. Everyone has the right to live free from abuse and neglect;
  2. Everyone has the right to be treated as an individual;
  3. Everyone has the right to be treated with respect and dignity, with a right to privacy;
  4. Dover Activity Parks CIC believes everyone should have choice and control over their lives, with as much independence as is possible, and will help people maintain confidence and positive self-esteem;
  5. We will not tolerate any kind of abuse to anyone, not least a vulnerable adult;
  6. We will make sure our service users are aware of our Safeguarding Adults Policy and Procedure;
  7. Everyone at Dover Activity Parks CIC has a responsibility to prevent, recognise and act on abuse and neglect;
  8. We will make sure all trustees, staff and volunteers understand their role in relation to safeguarding adults. We will provide appropriate training and ensure staff are competent in preventing, recognising and acting on abuse and neglect.
  9. Individuals against whom an allegation has been made have the right to fair and unbiased treatment and to be kept fully informed.


This policy is based upon a number of national Acts, policies, protocols and guidance.  These are:

  1. Kent and Medway Multi-Agency Adult Protection Policy, Protocols and Guidance (updated 2013): and follow links to Adult Protection
  2. Human Rights Act 1998, the Mental Capacity Act 2005 and Public Interest Disclosure Act 1998
  3. Data Protection Act 1998, Freedom on Information Act 2000, Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act 2006, Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards, Code of Practice2008
  4. The Mental Capacity Act 2005, covering England and Wales, provides a statutory framework for people who lack capacity to make decisions for themselves, or who have capacity and want to make preparations for a time when they may lack capacity in the future. It sets out who can take decisions, in which situations, and how they must go about this.
  5. The Human Rights Act 1998 gives legal effect in the UK to the fundamental rights and freedoms contained in the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR).
  6. The Public Interest Disclosure Act 1998 (PIDA) created a framework for whistle blowing across the private, public and voluntary sectors. The Act provides almost every individual in the workplace with protection from victimisation where they raise genuine concerns about malpractice in accordance with the Act’s provisions.


  1. An Adult (a person aged 18 or over) who ‘is or may be in need of community care services by reason of mental or other disability, age or illness; and who is or may be unable to take care of him or herself, or unable to protect him or herself against significant harm or exploitation’. (Definition from ‘No Secrets’ March 2000 Department of Health)
  2. This could include people with learning disabilities, mental health problems, older people and people with a physical disability or impairment. It is important to include people whose condition and subsequent vulnerability fluctuates. It may include an individual who may be vulnerable as a consequence of their role as a carer in relation to any of the above.
  3. It may also include victims of domestic abuse, hate crime and anti-social abuse behavior. The persons’ need for additional support to protect themselves may be increased when complicated by additional factors, such as, physical frailty or chronic illness, sensory impairment, challenging behaviour, drug or alcohol problems, social or emotional problems, poverty or homelessness.
  4. Many vulnerable adults may not realise that they are being abused. For instance an elderly person, accepting that they are dependent on their family, may feel that they must tolerate losing control of their finances or their physical environment. They may be reluctant to assert themselves for fear of upsetting their carers or making the situation worse.
  5. It is important to consider the meaning of ‘Significant Harm’. The Law Commission, in its consultation document ‘Who Decides,’ issued in Dec 1997 suggested that; ‘harm’ must be taken to include not only ill treatment (including sexual abuse and forms of ill treatment which are not physical), but also ‘the impairment of, or an avoidable deterioration in, physical or mental health; and the impairment of physical, intellectual, emotional, social or behavioral development’.
  6. For purposes of ensuring consistent and widely understood terminology, these policy and procedures will use the phrase ‘Vulnerable Adults’ to identify those eligible for interventions within the procedures.


Abuse may consist of a single act or repeated acts. It may be physical, verbal or psychological, it may be an act of neglect or an omission to act, or it may occur when a vulnerable person is persuaded to enter into a financial or sexual transaction to which he or she has not consented or cannot consent.

Abuse can occur in any relationship and it may result in significant harm to, or exploitation of, the person subjected to it.

The Department of Health in its ‘No Secrets’ 2000 report suggests the following as the main types of abuse:

  • Physical abuse – including hitting, slapping, pushing, kicking, misuse of medication, restraint, or inappropriate sanctions.
  • Sexual abuse – including rape and sexual assault or sexual acts to which the vulnerable adult has not consented, or could not consent or was pressured into consenting.
  • Psychological abuse – including emotional abuse, threats of harm or abandonment, deprivation of contact, humiliation, blaming, controlling, intimidation, coercion, harassment, verbal abuse, isolation or withdrawal from services or supportive networks.
  • Financial or material abuse – including theft, fraud, exploitation, pressure in connection with wills property or inheritance or financial transactions, or the misuse or misappropriation of property, possessions or benefits.
  • Neglect and acts of omission – including ignoring medical or physical care needs, failure to provide access to appropriate health, social care or educational services, the withholding of the necessities of life, such as medication, adequate nutrition and heating.
  • Discriminatory abuse – including race, sex, culture, religion, politics, that is based on a person’s disability, age or sexuality and other forms of harassment, slurs or similar treatment, hate crime.
  • Institutional abuse – Institutional abuse although not a separate category of abuse in itself, requires specific mention simply to highlight that adults placed in any kind of care home or day care establishment are potentially vulnerable to abuse and exploitation. This can be especially so when care standards and practices fall below an acceptable level as detailed in the contract specification.
  • Multiple forms of abuse – Multiple forms of abuse may occur in an ongoing relationship or an abusive service setting to one person, or to more than one person at a time, making it important to look beyond single incidents or breaches in standards, to underlying dynamics and patterns of harm. Any or all of these types of abuse may be perpetrated as the result of deliberate intent and targeting of vulnerable people, negligence or ignorance.


Home Office definition 2004;

‘Any incident of threatening behavior, violence or abuse (psychological, physical, sexual, financial or emotional) between adults who are, or have been intimate partners or family members, regardless of gender or sexuality.’

Women’s Aid definition;

‘Domestic violence is physical, sexual, psychological or financial violence that takes place within an intimate or family-type relationship and that forms a pattern of coercive and controlling behavior. This can also include forced marriage and so-called “honour crimes”. Domestic violence may include a range of abusive behaviours, not all of which are in themselves inherently “violent”.

Most research suggests that domestic violence occurs in all sections of society irrespective of race, culture, nationality, religion, sexuality, disability, age, class or educational level.  Both definitions would therefore also include incidents where extended family members may condone or share in the pattern of abuse e.g. forced marriage, female genital mutilation and crimes rationalized as punishing women for bringing ‘dishonor’ to the family.  It is important to recognise that Vulnerable Adults may be the victims of Domestic Abuse themselves or be affected by it occurring within their household. This is likely to have a serious effect on their physical and mental wellbeing.

Where Vulnerable Adults are victims of Domestic Abuse, they may need extra support to plan their future.  The violence or threat of violence may continue after a victim has separated from the abuser.  It is important to ensure that all the vulnerable people in this situation have appropriate support to enable them to maintain their personal safety.

A separate Domestic Abuse Protocol is in place between Police, Social Services and Health.  Incidents reported by the police through the domestic abuse protocols will be addressed under the adult protection processes if it is considered that a vulnerable adult may be at risk of abuse.  (See Joint Police, Social Services and Health protocol for dealing with cases of domestic abuse where vulnerable adults are involved) 


It is essential that the needs of any children within an abusive or domestic violence situation where there is a vulnerable adult involved are considered and acted upon.


It is important that vulnerable adults are protected from abuse. All complaints, allegations or suspicions must be taken seriously.  This procedure must be followed whenever an allegation of abuse is made or when there is a suspicion that a vulnerable adult has been abused:

Promises of confidentiality should not be given as this may conflict with the need to ensure the safety and welfare of the individual.

A full record shall be made as soon as possible of the nature of the allegation and any other relevant information.  This should include information in relation to the date, the time, the place where the alleged abuse happened, your name and the names of others present, the name of the complainant and, where different, the name of the adult who has allegedly been abused, the nature of the alleged abuse, a description of any injuries observed, the account which has been given of the allegation (See Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults Incident Reporting Form at the back of this policy)


Any suspicion, allegation or incident of abuse must be reported to the designated person immediately

The designated person for Dover Activity Parks CIC is Ross Miller,


Mob: 07852 235957

The nominated director will telephone and report the matter to the appropriate local adult social services duty social worker.  A written record of the date and time of the report will be made and the report will include the name and position of the person to whom the matter is reported.  The telephone report must be confirmed in writing to the relevant local authority adult social services department within 24 hours.


  1. Adult Social Services

The Department of Health’s recent ‘No secrets’ guidance document requires that authorities develop a local framework within which all responsible agencies work together to ensure a coherent policy for the protection of vulnerable adults at risk of abuse.

All local authorities have a Safeguarding Adults Board, which oversees multi-agency work aimed at protecting and safeguarding vulnerable adults.  It is normal practice for the board to comprise of people from partner organisations who have the ability to influence decision making and resource allocation within their organisation.

  1. The Police

The Police play a vital role in Safeguarding Adults with cases involving alleged criminal acts.  It becomes the responsibility of the police to investigate allegations of crime by preserving and gathering evidence.  Where a crime is identified, the police will be the lead agency and they will direct investigations in line with legal and other procedural protocols.


In the event of an incident or disclosure:


  • Make sure the individual is safe
  • Assess whether emergency services are required and if needed call them
  • Listen
  • Offer support and reassurance
  • Ascertain and establish the basic facts
  • Make careful notes and obtain agreement on them
  • Explain areas of confidentiality; immediately speak to your designated person for support and guidance
  • Explain the procedure to the individual making the allegation


  • Confront the alleged abuser
  • Be judgmental or voice your own opinion
  • Be dismissive of the concern
  • Investigate or interview beyond that which is necessary to establish the basic facts
  • Consult with persons not directly involved with the situation
  • Ask leading questions
  • Make promises
  • Ignore the allegation


It is important to remember that the person who first encounters a case of alleged abuse is not responsible for deciding whether abuse has occurred.  This is a task for the professional adult protection agencies, following a referral from the organisation’s designated person.


Vulnerable adult protection raises issues of confidentiality which are be clearly understood by the directors, who have a professional responsibility to share relevant information about the protection of vulnerable adults with other professionals, particularly investigative agencies and adult social services. Clear boundaries of confidentiality will be communicated.


Information about safeguarding cases and how they were dealt with will be discussed by the directors regularly.